glorify a warの例文
I dedicated my years to God and live to glorify Him. But Emerson didn't glorify individualism for its own sake. A culture that glorifies sex but prohibits frank discussion of it. But be wa......

glorify the king
The core purpose of a stela was to glorify the king. The palace reliefs contain scenes in low relief which glorify the king, showing him at war, hunting, and fulfilling other kingly roles.......

glorify your name
Change him from positive to negative, and he will live to glorify your name.

war war war
Because the album has been out of print for many years, Country Joe McDonald released a live album with the same track listing in 2007 called War War War Live. Folksinger Country Joe McDon......

allegations of war crimes in the 2006 lebanon war
Allegations of war crimes in the 2006 Lebanon War refer to claims of various groups and individuals, including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and United Nations officials, who ......

alleged war crimes during the final stages of the sri lankan civil war
In a separate document Sirisena pledged that, whilst resisting any international investigation, he would establish an independent domestic inquiry into the alleged war crimes during the fi......

alleged war crimes during the sri lankan civil war
The article, Alleged war crimes during the Sri Lankan Civil War already covers the issues & allegations related to the Sri Lankan War .-talk 05 : 52, 25 October 2014 ( UTC) The dispute is ......

allied war crimes during world war ii
:: Or more specifically, check out Allied war crimes during World War II and the SN0WKITT3N 13 : 32, 14 April 2009 ( UTC) :: : Relevant articles : Operation Barbarossa ( close to 26 millio......

information war during the 2008 south ossetia war
We also have an article Disinformation campaign during the 2008 South Ossetian war, which is where this information should be split to ( with a rename to Information war during the 2008 So......

iraq war and the war on terror
This is evident in the Philippines'participation in the Iraq War and the War on Terror. Kerry hit hard at the president's handling of the Iraq war and the war on terror in his acceptance s......

japanese prisoners of war in world war ii
"' David M . Akui "'( January 16, 1920-September 15, 1987 ) was an American soldier who became famous for capturing the first Japanese prisoner of war in World War II . At the time, Akui w......

no war but the class war
A common slogan used against social-chauvinism is " No War but the Class War ". The'theorist'section transmuting itself into the No War But The Class War Discussion Group, which eventually......

the war that will end war
H . G . Wells, memorably, called it " the war that will end war . " Far from it; in fact, it fueled the bitterness of an Austrian corporal named Hitler, whose captain said he " lacked the ......

the war to end war
World War I was supposed to be the war to end war. When the parades again returned to the streets some two years later, the landing had fallen by the wayside, a seeming casualty of'the war......

war against war
In 1955 Tudjman published the first of many historical works, " War Against War, " about guerrilla warfare. War against war " _ an apparent reference to Italy's role in the Iraq conflict, ......

war and war
Kruger has asked for war and war he must have !' According to Tilly, the state makes war and war makes states. For 30 years, our life has been war and war and war, For 30 years, our life h......

war crimes during world war ii
Following severe losses in the Nazis and war crimes during World War II . Fred Sinowatz resigned, and Franz Vranitzky became chancellor. The diffusion of responsibility for alleged war cri......

war crimes in the kosovo war
The JSO was also reportedly involved in instances of war crimes in the Kosovo War. The government also demanded that U . N . investigators bring indictments against ethnic Albanian militan......

war crimes in the syrian civil war
In May 2014, the UN Security Council voted for the International Criminal Court ( ICC ) to investigate war crimes in the Syrian Civil War, but the resolution was vetoed by Russia and China......

war crimes of world war ii
It is well known for the most notorious Nazi war crime of World War II in the Zaolzie area-the { ywocice tragedy. One can create War crimes of World War II to represent all sides of the c......

war on war
This time the theme was War on War-Peace and Security in the 21st century. "It's just and necessary to make war on war, " the pope told participants in the games, which opened Wednesday an......

war reparations after world war i
Second line units frequently made use of captured equipment such as Lebel Model 1886 rifles and, for colonial troops, Schwarzlose MG M . 07 / 12s and Steyr-Mannlicher M1895 rifles, provide......

war to end all war
That was to have been the war to end all wars. Called " the war to end all wars," The second war to end all wars and the first. You liked the Red Sox-Yankees war to end all wars? It will t......

war to end war
World War I was supposed to be the war to end war. In Europe, he covered the early battles of World War I and died before our country's involvement in that " war to end wars ." When the pa......

world war i war memorials
Built in 1933, as a World War I War memorial in the form of a multi-purpose hall, He is commemorated at Bancroft's School on the World War I War Memorial Honours Board, and a fuller biogra......